joi, 7 aprilie 2011

Operational Efficiency for a Smarter Planet: On Asset Management Pulse, Maximo, and Actuate BIRT

I have been working on a video project for Actuate, the commercial software company behind the Eclipse-based BIRT reporting and analysis framework, but I had no idea they had a tie up with IBM Maximo until a couple of weeks ago when we were discussing IBM Pulse. This interview with Actuate’s marketing supremo Nobby Akiha is about how we can we use asset management software to improve the efficiency of operations. Sustainability is pretty much a by-product of operational efficiency, which is certainly more resonant than “green” for business owners – particularly in the US.
So a smarter planet will be interconnected, instrumented and intelligent etc. That will drive efficiency and save money.
The video hopefully tells a good story. One of the reasons Maximo chose BIRT is that its open source, but most importantly embeddable open source.
If you’re at IBM Pulse next week why not check out Actuate. If you work at Tivoli I guarantee you will enjoy my statement just after 1:06 
disclosure: IBM and Actuate are both clients – this video was sponsored by Actuate.
Categories: IBM.

View the original article here

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